Tuesday 28 May 2019

Summer Pleas

This summer, I must have done some exceptional begging with my parents as they are allowing me to be a normal 15 year old girl entering the 10th grade at school!! I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when they agreed to be attending a normal school and dance school. They did, however, lay down some ground rules:
1. I must go straight from school to ballet class
2. I must go straight home from ballet class
3. I must complete my homework every night
4. I must keep straight A's in every subject like I have received from home schooling.
If my grades drop in the slightest, I will be pulled out of school and ballet class and brought home to complete my high school studies and only then would they consider letting me attend university - of course, it must be a university that they approve of.
Of course I agreed to their strict rules straight away for they were letting me be a normal teenage girl for once (well, what I thought was normal). I would've done anything they said. Heck, I would've given up my monthly allowance if that's what it took. I went to bed that night reeling with excitement.

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