Tuesday 28 May 2019

Summer Pleas

This summer, I must have done some exceptional begging with my parents as they are allowing me to be a normal 15 year old girl entering the 10th grade at school!! I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when they agreed to be attending a normal school and dance school. They did, however, lay down some ground rules:
1. I must go straight from school to ballet class
2. I must go straight home from ballet class
3. I must complete my homework every night
4. I must keep straight A's in every subject like I have received from home schooling.
If my grades drop in the slightest, I will be pulled out of school and ballet class and brought home to complete my high school studies and only then would they consider letting me attend university - of course, it must be a university that they approve of.
Of course I agreed to their strict rules straight away for they were letting me be a normal teenage girl for once (well, what I thought was normal). I would've done anything they said. Heck, I would've given up my monthly allowance if that's what it took. I went to bed that night reeling with excitement.

Monday 27 May 2019

This is me/My vow

I, Lucinda vow not to be in this house or this town all of my life, as it is, I have barely left this house since the day I was born. I haven't even been to a real school!! My parents hire the best teachers that come to my house and into the classroom my great grandfather built in this house to teach me everything. I get no choice but to study just about every subject imaginable.
Not only do I have my own classroom but I also have my own dance studio where I am taught by the best dance teachers in ballet.
With everything coming to me, my parents have never seen the need to let me leave the grounds this house stands on. This is why I feel like a prisoner in a lavish house. I don't have any friends and I'm afraid that I never will have any friends if my parents keep me locked up. Yeah, I have my teachers and my parents but that's all they are - not friends, not people I can confide in and tell mum hopes, dreams, fears and secrets.
Ever since I learned how to write, I begged my parents to buy me journals to write in. I have lost count of the amount of journals I have finished and locked away fir these are my friends to whom I confide in.


Waltonsville, it's a beautiful town with beautiful people - well, mostly. Sometimes it can feel like a prison but I will get to that later. This town was names after my great grandfather who was one of the first to build and make Waltonsville what it is today. The house my great grandfather built still stands today, perched on a hilltop overlooking the town and its people. Its a grand house where my grandfather was born, lived and died, where my father was born and has lived his whole life, and where I was born and have lived for all of my 15 years of life and counting. As you may have guessed, my family is rich beyond belief, once the town being named after my great grandfather.